Tuesday, April 01, 2008

school loos

You’ll be fascinated (and slightly appalled) to learn that the boys’ loos in our House Block at school were in a pretty awful state – but I’ll spare you the unsavory details. I received a phone call from our Headteacher on Friday. He wanted to mark the completion of the refurbishment work with an official opening ceremony+asked me to invite a few students from our House Council to participate in this memorable occasion (he would arrange for a photographer from the local newspaper to be there too - REALLY!). Amid scenes of high emotion, you'll be delighted to learn that the boys' loos were indeed officially declared “open” yesterday afternoon - with a total of 13 people cramming themselves into the tiny executive facilities to witness the event. I'll resist the temptation to describe it as a "moving experience" (well almost).
They hope to start work on the girls' loos later in the week.... and there's talk of this being made into a movie.
Photo: I couldn’t resist smuggling in my camera (as you can see, they even allowed girls in the boys’ loos too!)
PS: this is NOT an April Fool's joke!


  1. Anonymous2:21 pm

    oh my goodness!! could they 'pass a motion' that all toilets have official opening ceremonies? (I'm so so sorry - you started the toilet jokes!)... go on, dad - dare you to respond - poo pun challenge! x

  2. I smell a rat (or something?)!

  3. Anonymous8:47 pm

    haha! x

  4. you must be a very proud man. Flushed with success. xxx
