Saturday, March 15, 2008

flight of the red balloon

Moira was at her book group last night, so I decided to go the Watershed to see “Flight of the Red Balloon” (somewhat amazingly I managed to make the 5.50pm screening!). The Film4 review reckoned that the film would, “depending on your disposition, either quietly enchant you or bore you senseless”! Beautifully crafted (atmosphere rather than plot) and brilliantly acted (Juliette Binoche is stunningly good).
I wasn’t exactly enchanted, but it was good way to drift into the weekend.


  1. We had a good night too. On Chesil Beach led to a couple of very interesting conversations about the 60s, families, destiny etc. I'm sure if you asked her very nicely Moira would lend you her copy. I notice she had it in hardback! I love Ian McEwan and this one did not disappoint. Just don't read it on a bad day. It's not cheerful.

  2. Anonymous10:21 pm

    Oh dad, I've just looked at your labels and 'family' has the most linked posts and 'friends' comes a close second. I feel quite emotional - it sums you up well! I really do love you.

