Saturday, January 12, 2008

journey home

The journey home from school last night proved somewhat eventful.
I was giving Andy and Philippa a lift back to Bristol. It was snowing as we set out, but that proved to be the least of our problems.
The homeward journey took some 100minutes as we had to contend with three lots of flooding (an hour hour more than normal).
When we left school, Andy+Philippa had loaded several bags of books into the boot of the car. They all looked rather similar in their supermarket plastic bags and we made jokes about not mixing them… and, of course, when we dropped Philippa off – she took Andy’s books instead of her own (which we didn’t discover until I dropped Andy off)! I eventually arrived home only to find a message from Andy on my phone – could I please check in the car in case he’d dropped his keys…. but that he was almost certain he’d left them at school! They were his car+flat keys; his flatmate was skiing in Switzerland and it was pointless trying to locate his landlady through directory enquiries as her name was Jones and he hadn’t a clue where she lived!
Happy weekend everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:24 pm

    Oh - that sinking feeling that comes with these minor disasters that life throws at you! Bet you're glad for the weekend! xxx
