Monday, December 10, 2007

simon smith and his amazing musical tastes

Good friend Si Smith is just one of those very special people.
He’s a brilliant illustrator but he’s also wonderful about coming up with ideas and suggestions. A few years ago, he told me (and a few others) that I ought to see the singer/songwriter Juliet Turner at a gig near Reading – and he was absolutely right! He’s also been fantastic about coming up with music suggestions (“I think you might like this”), such as:
Sufjan Stevens - '
Casimir Pulaski Day'
This Mortal Coil - 'Song for the Siren'
Trembling Blue Stars - 'Abba on the Jukebox' or 'November Starlings'
Looper - 'Impossible Things 2'
Elbow - 'Newborn'
Low - 'When I go Deaf'
Death Cab for Cutie - 'The Sound of Settling'
Denim - 'The Osmonds'
John Martyn - 'Small Hours'

Recently, he told me he thought I might like “Guy Garvey’s Finest Hour” (BBC Radio 6: Sundays 10pm-midnight) – “it’s quite eclectic and rather inspiring” he said. He’s absolutely right; it’s excellent! You should try it too (I’m rarely awake at that time these days, so use the “listen again” link on the BBC website).
Photo: Si Smith (bottom right) at Greenbelt in 2005 beside the tree he designed/conceived for one of the sessions.

1 comment:

  1. i love life, but appreciate i won't get as long as i want (in my current health and state of mind). thank you therefore to blogs (including steve passing on such wonderful info from si...allowing me to 'discover' guy garvey...and loads of 'new' music), the bbc and wikipedia (well i like and value it anyway).
