Thursday, December 20, 2007

iona moments 1

At the end of the Iona Community’s “Growing Hope” book of daily readings there is a section devoted to reflections of one man’s time spent on the island (Neil Paynter, a member of the Iona Community). This reminded me of my own time on Iona in the summer. The end of the year has regularly been a time of reflection for me and this is the first of four scribbles recording some of my own thoughts when I was there:

Moments with new friends:
Walking up Dun I, the highest point on the island, on my first full day and meeting Dick from Holland (one of our group) half way up. Walking on up to the top together and immediately knowing I’d met a lovely new friend. Being mesmerised by the panoramic view; we were silent, but we were both smiling. Deciding to walk down the other side of the hill to the western shore but getting a little confused and having to climb over a barbed wire fence en route; throwing our bags over the fence (which meant that we HAD to get over!); Dick climbing over first but slipping and ending up launching himself like a human bird. Laughing uncontrollably just like children (he wasn’t hurt)! Talking and talking and realising that our lives seemed to be following similar paths and that our philosophy of life and beliefs, again, had many similarities. Experiencing the white sands and the turquoise sea on our way back to the MacLeod Centre via the north shore on what turned out to be a gloriously sunny afternoon. Knowing that my time on Iona was going to be good!
photo: Dick+Dientje


  1. thanks for this Steve - your story took me straight there, and I think that Gail and I have attempted the same fence! Any plans to meet up again with Dick from Holland?

  2. Yes, would love to at some stage. We've exchanged e-mails since our time on Iona, but I've had no response to my latest e-mail....
