Sunday, December 30, 2007


It was just 35 years ago today that Moira+I got married!
It was very foggy, so many of the wedding photographs give the impression of a Hammer Horror movie. All very different to today’s wedding preparations it seems – I don’t think Moira had a Hen’s Party and my Stag Night comprised of a few drinks with one or two mates a couple of days before the wedding. Our honeymoon consisted of one night in Stratford-on-Avon and we returned to Moira’s home in Lichfield to join the family in their New Year celebrations!! Moira says she remembers feeling that her parents were “old” when they celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary and so is somewhat depressed at the prospect of getting there ourselves quite soon too! What tosh!
Photo: ….and, as you can see, we’ve hardly changed at all!


  1. and they said it would never last! went passed moira's lichfield family home yesterday on way, with friends, to do a walk in derbyshire. i remember the wedding day well...and the reception at the 'little barrow' - which, incidentally, was the place i took lesley to for our first meal together 5 years later. many congratulations to you both. luv little bruv xx

  2. It must be love if you can still remember the date! Happy Anniversary to you both and many more to follow.

  3. hope you had a lovely day! happy new year to you and all the family. much love. Ellen et al. xxx
