Friday, November 16, 2007


The staff at school have been challenged to play a football match against the sixth form today to help raise funds for Children in Need. I spent a couple of hours on Monday toying with the idea of making a glorious comeback to the beautiful game (I would only need a few minutes off the bench to turn a game, score another impressive hat-trick etc….). I ended up reluctantly deciding that it would be somewhat foolish for a man fast approaching his 60th year to do such a thing.
However, I can now announce that I WILL be participating afterall!
I was approached by a couple of sixth-formers yesterday asking if I would referee the game – “Sir, we need someone in authority and we thought of you”. I eventually agreed (clearly, these were wise and astute sixth-formers who recognised my dynamic influence on the school and it would be wrong to let them down!).
Moments later however my pride was in tatters when they admitted I was their SECOND choice - they’d initially tried to get the Headteacher to act as ref, but he was busy!!
footnote: being such a natural, talented footballer, my biggest fear that, when the ball comes over, I won’t be able to resist putting it into the back of the net – pure INSTINCT will surely take over?


  1. Anonymous6:29 am could be a frosty, hard pitch - wear long studs and long johns. also, as a near 60 year old, pace yourself - probably best you stay in the centre circle and watch the match through binoculars.

  2. fair you think I should wear my glasses (and risk verbal abuse) or just guess? hugs

  3. update: staff won 3-0 (and were even the fitter side!) and the ref played a blinder!

  4. Anonymous8:21 pm

    Well done Dad! How much of the staff's great win was down to your impartial decision making!!

  5. Firm but fair! In this morning's staff briefing however, it was pointed out that one un-named member of staff was being critical of me from the sidelines - apparently accusing me of not getting stuck in and "trying to avoid the ball". It was then pointed out to him that I was actually the referee!!

  6. Anonymous8:00 pm

    Haha!!! That's brilliant! You were obviously doing a great job. Lovely to chat earlier - thanks for lending me mum! x
