Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Radiohead’s new album “In Rainbows” is brilliant. Just brilliant.
The band has chosen to release its seventh studio album as a digital download through the Radiohead website at a price determined by each consumer willing to part with an email address. Within two days of its release, reports say that more than 1.2 million copies had been downloaded.
You’ve got to have it!


  1. It is great isn't it? How much did you pay for it? I think Mark paid £3 - which in retrospect isn't enough. xxx

  2. Anonymous12:05 pm

    are radiohead bonkers or by this enterprise will they gain greater attention and make even more money? are sales of music necessary for a bands living or is it a bit like football doesn't actually need anyone to come to a game, as sufficient revenue is generated by tv rights? giving us the opportunity to pay as little or as much as we want presumably is to appeal to our conscience, like giving to charity. i've 'purchased' but i still hate not having material i can 'hold'...and as someone who doesn't pay more than £8 for a cd i'm certainly not paying £40 for the discbox. supposedly of the first million downloads 1/3rd paid nothing, some in excess of £10, but the average was £4. i'm off to sainsburys to fill my trolley and make a donation.

  3. Anonymous12:35 pm

    there's a band called the crimea who got very disillusioned with record company politics and released their last album as a free download- it's actually quite good too, though not quite in the same league as 'in rainbows'...

    anyway, the financial thinking behind it was that they could make their money by touring and selling spin-off merchandise [t-shirts etc]...

  4. I ended up paying £7.50; given the quality of the music I think it was well worth it... although, as Si says, it's the tours and merchandising that probably justifies it (in which I've probably paid over the odds!). I used to miss having material that I can hold too but have come to terms with this.
    I'm going to be Thom Yorke when I grow up.
