Monday, May 14, 2007

southbank arts trail3

Well, they said it was going to be wet….. and they definitely weren’t wrong! Heavy rain for long periods of the day gave way to bright sunshine right at the end of the trail yesterday. Another great day (and a great weekend) – lots of people came to see us despite the awful weather and we also managed to get out and about to see some of the other exhibitions.
Photo: We dubbed these girls “The Southville Arts Posse” – they arrived en masse at about 11.30am; they were very organised and determined to see as many exhibitions as they could; they were enormously self-confident (but in a very nice way); and they knew what art they liked and what they didn’t (ten year-olds going on twenty!)!
PS: I had a text from Charlotte (one of the support teachers on the Ten Tors) at about 4pm yesterday to say that all our school teams had been picked and that the pupils had all been “brilliant”. That’s good to know.


  1. Hey Steve. Sorry we didn't make it. Away in Wales for the weekend. Glad it was such a success. Well done. xxx

  2. It's good to see the younger generation carrying the torch. That's my daughter in the front with her friends. Nice one - I've added a picture of you to Flickr group.
