Friday, May 25, 2007


We’ve got a mufti-day at school today (last day of term). Pupils (and staff) pay £1 to ignore school uniform and dress up as one of their heroes for charity. In my case (any excuse to avoid wearing a tie!), I’ve decided to wear my old Villa shirt, c1965. As a former centre-forward myself*(!), I shall pretend to be Gerry Hitchens for the entire school day (no one at school will be any the wiser!). Not many people know this, but he once scored 10 goals in 14 days (14-28 November 1959)(sad, who me?).
Those were the days!
note*: I can remember scoring 29 goals in the season for Handsworth Grammar Under-12s, but my goal tally declined season by season to something like 8 by the time I played for the First Eleven (by then, people had “encouraged” me to play in midfield!). There was a famous match, when I was probably 14 or 15, and was playing centre-forward; we won 16-0 and I failed to score!! It’s tough at the top.


  1. Anonymous6:00 am

    yes...i remember him well. 5 goals in 7 games for england and then alf ramsey became manager and ignored him! one of the english imports to italian football (together with greaves and law)...and well liked there too. had 'forgot' that he died in 1983 playing in a charity football match, aged just 48. just like you steve...if only people had realised his real talent...

  2. ALAN: I decided to wear my Villa shirt with a "Gerry Hitchens Hero" label (and some blurb) as I knew no one would have heard of him (I was right there!)... but nevertheless spent the day being mistaken for Peter Brooking of West Ham. Cheek!
