Sunday, May 20, 2007

christian aid and cannabis cookies

I’ve done my annual duty street collection run for Christian Aid this week (just two very small streets). I’d been terribly organised and printed out little notes with each envelope explaining when I intended to collect them. Arrived home after doing my collection rounds and explained to Moira that people fall into three categories: a) those who aren’t at home (or pretend not to be); b) those who are absolutely lovely (and have either got their envelope ready or make their sincere apologies for not getting their act together and then fill their envelopes on the doorstep); and c) those who simply grunt some form of mild abuse.
Moira thought I ought to know about the latest from “The Archers” message boards (sorry, but she loves them!) regarding Christian Aid collectors and speculation about “cannabis cookies”!
PS: Actually, I WAS chased down one of the streets on Friday night by a suntanned lady wrapped only in a black towel clutching her CA envelope (honest!)…. but I don’t know if any cookies were involved.


  1. Anonymous6:10 pm

    You seem to have noticed a lot of details about this scantily clad lady, dad!

    Funny archers posts - at least you didn't show up four times! xxx

  2. My lips are sealed....

  3. you may have the most interesting Christian Aid blog posting yet. Which category of person was this nice lady? or is she in one of her own?

  4. ELLEN: This lady (ie. the one in the towel, not the one making repeat calls in The Archer's blog) was very difficult to categorise - probably my age, with leather skin, and had definitely seen too much sun! Was she just being very sweet or was it a desperate attempt to get herself on to the front page of the Evening Post?Think I'll probably need an escort if I do the same round next year
