Wednesday, April 04, 2007

blackout bristol

It’s just possible that you read my blog in December (then again!) about the huge wastages of energy due to unnecessary lighting in commercial buildings – featuring a photograph of a brightly-lit building in Canary Wharf, London taken just after midnight. Well, Friends of the Earth, Bristol is pressing people to turn off non-essential lights tonight (“Blackout Bristol”) and, over the past few weeks, has been putting together a list of the worst offending buildings. The winner/loser appears to be the new HBOS building, Harbourside – it has remained empty for nearly a year (apparently due to major air-conditioning problems) but, despite this, “all the lights are on all night”.
More power to FoE’s elbow I say!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:46 am

    Oh that's so frustrating to hear. I hope the blackout is really successful and shames the owners of bad buildings! Should be a great night for star-gazing!
