Friday, February 23, 2007

battling with batik

Last summer, I assisted art teacher Irene as she explained the intricacies of batik to a group of 13 year olds during “Activities Week” – my role on the day was little more than encourager! I was fascinated and decided that I’d like to produce some simple line drawings using the technique. So, armed with my new wax melting pot, tjanting tool and pots of watercolour ink, I made my first tentative steps. It was all going to be so easy – not much to it really, just like drawing with any of my pens but using a fat wax version instead.
In the event, it was an absolute disaster!
I’ll persevere in my own ham-fisted way, of course (after counselling!), but how come those 13 year-olds made it look so easy?

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