Sunday, January 28, 2007


At this time of year, I’m not around at home during the week to see daylight start to penetrate through the house, so I appreciate it all the more at the weekends. Yesterday morning was made even better because the sun actually did shine (albeit briefly)! Sunshine, music playing, the morning newspaper, the smell (and taste) of real coffee and no school to go to….
It felt good!
Photo: morning sunshine and coffee at home

PS: for some reason, someone decided to hack into our number40 website and it’s taken us a few weeks to get it back up and running again (more or less). So, apologies if you’ve been wondering why everything was so out of date - and, if you haven’t, why not?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:42 pm

    Mmmm! Lovely sounding saturday morning!

