Monday, January 22, 2007

3191: a year of mornings

Daughter Alice put us on to this blog and Moira+I have become firm converts. It’s an incredibly simple idea and yet quite inspirational in its way. Two friends live 3191 miles apart in America; they both like getting up early (like me!); they each post a photograph of their respective domestic lives on the blog most days, side by side. It’s really rather beautiful and seems to have attracted a mini worldwide following (so you probably know about it already!).
Photo: entrance hall at Old Schoolhouse, Drimnin, Scotland taken on holiday in the summer (I don’t normally take “domestic” photographs like this, but perhaps Stephanie and Mav will change my thinking!)


  1. Anonymous3:30 pm

    I don't think my mornings look anywhere near as beautiful as their's! Perhaps that's one of the perks of being an early riser though - you get the prettiest moments of the day. Still, I think lie ins are pretty beautiful!

    Love you,

    Alio x

  2. This site is lovely - great link...thanks
