Friday, December 08, 2006

what a waste

This is part of a photograph that accompanied a shocking recent article in “The Times” by Lewis Smith (18/11/06)(I kept the cutting and have just come across it again in my briefcase while looking for something else!). It was taken at one minute past midnight on a Saturday and the full photograph showed the offices of a whole host of international companies, including the banking firm Credit Suisse, in Canary Wharf London. In this small area, it’s reckoned that £7,000 is wasted on unnecessary lighting every night. Over the Christmas period 22 December – 2 January, the Carbon Trust estimates that businesses across the country could save themselves £60 million in energy bills. Global warming? Do we care? An accompanying Credit Suisse statement to the article explained that the firm did have “a duty to protect the environment and to reduce the environmental impacts of its businesses…”. Oh good, that’s ok then!

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