Wednesday, December 13, 2006

single status in schools

I don’t want to bore you with school politics, but our school’s local education authority is really getting me down at the moment. Over the past week or so, it has been sending out letters to school support staff (like me!) outlining its proposals for introducing “single status job evaluation” by April 2007. Letters include such reassuring words as “your job has not been evaluated or re-assessed in the current process and therefore your grade will not change” but concludes with a threat: “if you have not accepted the offer by the end of the year we will write to you again telling you that your contract will be terminated on 31 March 2007”.
It transpires that hardly any support staff benefit from this review process; most workers are suffering pay cuts – some extremely harsh. It appears that this cash-strapped Council has discovered a brilliant way of saving money!
Unfortunately, hard-working and dedicated people within education are left feeling very undervalued, de-motivated and disillusioned.
Who was it who said “education, education, education”?

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