Sunday, December 17, 2006

relaxing with friends

Number of Christmas presents bought to date? None! So, clearly, I should have been battling my way through crowded shops this weekend in a mad panic, with so little time before 25 December. Instead, Moira and I spent a wonderful restful time with our lovely friends Gail+Ian and Ken+Debby in Oxford…. enjoying a relaxed lunch yesterday, then back to K+D’s for more red wine, iced lemontello, more eating (including ricciarelli biscuits and brandy chocolates), talking and lots of laughing!
It was also great to be with all our other mayBe friends to celebrate an open air eucharist today in Port Meadow on a brilliant, sunny morning, followed by brunch at the wonderful Jericho Café.
Celebrating Advent/Christmas with friends is quite magical – and definitely beats shopping!
Photograph of the mayBe open air eucharist on Port Meadow
PS I see David Attenborough did win the "living icon" award!

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