Thursday, December 28, 2006

“big idea”: four years on...

This time four years ago, Moira+I were living in Oxfordshire, the children had all long since left home and I was running my successful architectural practice in West Wycombe village - but we’d just come up with our “big idea”! We’d decided to sell up and relocate to Bristol with a vague idea of setting up an art workshop/gallery in conjunction with daughter Ruth+husband Stu (who already lived in Bristol). In reality, it didn’t quite work out like that, but we did buy a house in Bristol with a basement (which we converted into studio/workshop space – and is used regularly by Ruth, Moira and me) and we do put on at least two exhibitions a year. It’s been great fun. We love Bristol and have met some lovely new friends - and daughter Hannah+Felix decided to move to Bristol too a couple of years ago too!
Photo: montage of our Christmas exhibition this year. Follow the number40 link opposite.

PS: another disastrous cricket defeat in Oz (am currently awaiting call to help out in final test match - wicket-keeping batsman-cum-leg spinner - how can I fail?)

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